Optimize learning with simulation


Nursing Scenarios is a production of the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD).

Our thanks to Michele Antoniazzi of Vanier College, Marie-Élise Locas of Collège de Maisonneuve, and André St-Julien of ESPA-Montréal, as well as ESPA-Montréal for their contribution to the content of several scenarios.


Pedogogical concept

Michele Antoniazzi, Vanier College
Marie-Élise Locas, Collège de Maisonneuve
André St-Julien, ESPA-Montréal

Content review


Marie-Élise Locas, Collège de Maisonneuve
Michele Antoniazzi, Vanier College

Copy editing and translation

Versatexte (French)
Wendi Petersen (English)


Kai Behrend
James Sadler, Nexus Group

Graphic design and integration

Danny Hébert

Project management

Nicholas Birks, CCDMD