Heart failure vs. fluid overload and arrhythmia

Case history

It is 8:15 AM. Bernard Castonguy, 73, was transferred to the medical unit about 30 minutes ago after spending three hours in emergency. He has been hospitalized to stabilize his condition after increasing dyspnea and edema for a few days. Mr. Castonguay was hospitalized twice in the last year for decompensation of his heart failure. He suffers poorly controlled high blood pressure and had an infarction in the past, as well as two episodes of PAF.

The IV catheter has been inserted and the venipunctures were carried out by the nurse in emergency. Some of the results are abnormal. A control cardiac ultrasound was performed. The nurse in intensive care just called to the unit to say she observed arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation) on her control monitor connected to the telemetry device the patient is wearing

You are waiting for the assessment of the patient and the clinical reasoning while applying the appropriate interventions. You expect the assessment of the doctor by telephone while on duty.