- Kolbe, M., B. Grande and B. Spahn. “Briefing and Debriefing During Simulation-Based Training and Beyond: Content, Structure, Attitude and Setting.” Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 29 (2015): 87–96
- Rudolph, J.W., D.B. Raemer, and R. Simon. (2014). “Establishing a Safe Container for Learning in Simulation: The Role of the Presimulation Briefing.” Simulation in Healthcare 9, no.6 (2014): 339–349.
- Center for Medical Simulation. Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare © (DASH), (Accessed January 2021).
- Fanning R. M, Gaba D. M, (2007), The role of debriefing in Simulation-Based Learning, Society for simulation in healthcare, Vol 2 No 2, 115-125
- Haute Autorité de Santé (2006), "Guide de bonnes pratiques en matière de simulation en santé. Les étapes du débriefing," (Accessed January 2021).
- Lavoie P, Pepin J, Cossette S (2015) Development of a post-simulation debriefing intervention to prepare nurses ans nursing students to care for deteriorating patients. Nurse Education in Practice 15, 181-191
- Rossignol, M. “Effects of Video-Assisted Debriefing Compared with Standard Oral Debriefing.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 13, no. 4 (2017, April): 145–153.
High fidelity clinical simulation (HFCS)
- Benhaberou-Brun, D. “Apprendre grâce à la simulation.” Perspective Infirmiere 14, no. 3 (2017): 24–30, (Accessed January 2021).
- CASN. Practice Domain for Baccalaureate Nursing Education: Guidelines for Clinical Simulation. 2015, (Accessed January 2021).
- Deschênes, M.-F. Le développement du jugement clinique infirmier lors d’activités en simulation clinique haute fidélité (SCHF) : Rapport de recherche experimentation. February 2015, (Accessed January 2021).
- Deschênes, Marie-France, Viviane Fournier and André St-Julien. Le développement du jugement en situation authentique : l’apprentissage expérientiel dans un contexte de simulation pour une pratique professionnelle sécuritaire. Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC), 2016, (Accessed January 2021).
- Haute Autorité en Santé. Guide des bonnes pratiques en matière de simulation en santé. 2012, (Accessed January 2021).
- Horsley, T. L. and K. Wambach. “Effect of Nursing Faculty Presence on Students’ Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and Clinical Performance During a Clinical Simulation Experience.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 11, no. 1 (2015, January): 4–10.
The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning, (Accessed January 2021).
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. The INACSL is considered by many to be an important informational resource in the area of nursing simulation. The association’s website provides links to their journal articles and some of the latest news and developments in simulation for healthcare and nursing education. Stay informed through conferences, webinars and workshops offered by the INACSL or peruse their list of resources. The INACSL has developed standards for best practices. They have been designed to help the science of simulation progress, share best practices and provide guidelines based on conclusive evidence for both implementing and teaching simulation.
- Jeffries, P.R. Simulation in Nursing Education: From Conceptualization to Evaluation, 2nd ed. New York: National League for Nursing, 2012.
- • Jeffries P.R., K.T. Dreifuerst, S. Kardong-Edgren and J. Hayden. “Faculty Development When Initiating Simulation Programs: Lessons Learned from the National Simulation Study.” Journal of Nursing Regulation (2015): 17–23.
- Martin, C. T., and N. Chanda. “Mental Health Clinical Simulation: Therapeutic Communication.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 12, no. 6 (2016, June): 209–214.
- McDermott, D. S., J. Sarasnick and P. Timcheck. “Using the INACSL Simulation Design Standard for Novice Learners.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 13, no. 6 (2017, June): 249–253.
- Montgomery College offers nursing simulation scenarios and a brief presentation of HFCS principles, (Accessed January 2021).
- Mickler, V. C. “Exploring Suspension of Disbelief During Simulation-Based Learning.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 13, no. 1 (2017, January): 3–9.
- National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Simulation Study, (Accessed January 2021).
- Rossignol, M. Effects of Video-Assisted Debriefing Compared with Standard Oral Debriefing. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 13, no. 4 (2017, April): 145–153.
- Rudolph, J.W., D.B. Raemer and R. Simon. “Establishing a Safe Container for Learning in Simulation: The Role of the Presimulation Briefing.” Simulation in Healthcare 9, no. 6 (2014): 339–349.
- Simoneau I. L., I. Ledoux and C. Paquette. Efficacité pédagogique de la simulation clinique haute fidélité en soins infirmiers. 32e Colloque de l’AQPC, 2012, (Accessed January 2021).
Simoneau I. L., I. Ledoux and C. Paquette. Efficacité pédagogique de la simulation clinique haute fidélité dans le cadre de la formation collégiale en soins infirmiers. Cegep de Sherbrooke, 2012.
Copie de conservation et de diffusion disponible.
Simoneau, Ivan L., and Bruno Pilote. “Effet d’une séquence d’enseignements évolutifs assistés par la simulation clinique sur l’acquisition de connaissances en cardiologie chez des étudiants du programme Soins infirmiers 180.A0.” Cégep de Sainte-Foy et Cégep de Sherbrooke. 2017.
Cégep de Sainte-Foy et Cégep de Sherbrooke. 2017.
- Simoneau, I. L., I. Ledoux and C. Paquette. “Pédagogie par la simulation clinique à haute fidélité dans la formation collégiale en santé. Préparation clinique, interdisciplinarité et intégration au curriculum.” Research report. Cegep de Sherbrooke, 2014, (Accessed January 2021).
Simulation Innovation Resource Center, (Accessed January 2021).
The SIRC website is the product of a collaboration between the National League of Nurses and Laerdal Medical. Its purpose is to provide an international community wherein nursing educators can work together to promote simulation as a strategy to advance nursing education. Here you will find links for simulation-related online courses, news and a variety of forums. Their resources link will lead you to a variety of practical tools for developing and conducting simulation scenarios. The Homegrown tab brings you to hundreds of ideas, solutions, “recipes”, improvisations, and innovations educators have used to address a variety of issues arising from simulation practice.
- Society for Simulation in Healthcare is an interprofessional non profit organization that advances the use of simulation in healthcare thanks to a worldwide commitment, (Accessed January 2021).
-, (Accessed January 2021).
This website is a free online resource focused on healthcare simulation. The Canadian site was developed and is maintained by Andy Howes, a technician, consultant, designer and manager specializing in simulation. It is a free resource which features contributions from sim techs from all over the world and includes downloadable scenarios, medical images and audio files. Aside from a bank of “tips and tricks” and hyperlinks dedicated to moulage, you will find administrative tools and forms to assist you in scenario development, debriefing, etc.
- Tutticci, N., F. Coyer, P.A. Lewis and M. Ryan. “High-Fidelity Simulation: Descriptive Analysis of Student Learning Styles.” Clinical Simulation in Nursing 12, no. 11 (2016, November): 511–521.
- Ulrich, B., and B. Mancini, editors. Mastering Simulation: A Handbook for Success. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 2013.
University of Washington – Center for Health Sciences – Interprofessional Education Research and Practice, (Accessed January 2021).
For those interested in learning more about and promoting interprofessional practice in their school, this site is a comprehensive resource providing practical tools and information about relevant training.
Mannequin operation
- Online communities for simulation technicians that contain information on how to recreate certain clinical conditions, (Accessed January 2021).
- ECG library for cardiology scenarios, (Accessed January 2021).
Moulage Concepts, (Accessed January 2021).
Moulage website dedicated to moulage products. Includes a moulage “cookbook.”
Patient simulator companies
- OQLF. Accessed March 30, 2017, (Accessed January 2021).
- Healthcare Simulation Dictionary, (Accessed January 2021).
- INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation Glossary, (Accessed January 2021).
- Penn State Hershey Clinical Simulation Center: Glossary of Healthcare Simulation Terms, (Accessed January 2021).
- Simulation Innovation and Resource Center (SIRC), (Accessed January 2021).
- VHA SimLEARN: Clinical Simulation and Resuscitation Glossary of Training Terms, (Accessed January 2021).